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Hyrkul was a Demon that resulted from the Dragon Celui dont on tait le nom merging with the Feca Lukryh Leuk. Originally a simple human, he attracted Djaul's attention and became his servant, receiving immortality and allowing the demon to see through his eyes.

Hyrkul was a fearsome warrior, involved in the first battle of the Crimson Dawn against the city of Bonta in the year 26. While the Brakmarian troops assaulting the city were ultimately turned, Hyrkul and the powers of the Dragon were enough to destroy the Protector Menalt and all of the Valiant Heart Order before their ghosts returned to change the tide of battle. Some say that while fleeing, Hyrkul was intercepted and killed by Ulgrude, who would then replace Menalt as Protector of Martello.

However, many of these events were undone but an anomaly of Xelor's Clock caused by a tear of the goddess Sacrier. While Ulgrude remained the new Protector of Martello, both Hyrkul and Menalt appeared again in DOFUS Manga (volumes 11 and 12).

Around the year 635, Hyrkul followed Vil Smisse into the second Crimson Dawn, where he once again defeated Menalt, then fought and defeated Jiva and the king Clustus Sheran Sharm. However, during the battle Lethaline Sigisbul warned the Hour Demon Midnight of the events transpiring, and she realized that the battle was tangled with events from the past. She summoned the god Xelor, who repaired the flow of time by once again undoing the damage to the city and sending back the Brakmarian troops and the Protectors to their rightful time. This likely means that Hyrkul was destroyed for good, as he had already been killed in the past.

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